Pay Equity Deep Dive Part 2: Wage Influencing Factors and Reliability Testing

Want more expert insights on the topic of pay equity? Access our entire Pay Equity Deep Dive Series.  A Wage Influencing Factor (WIF) is a factor reflecting skill, effort, responsibility, working conditions, or location applied consistently in determining employees’ compensation.  Essentially, these are compensable factors that one would expect to influence employee pay. Examples include…

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Pay Equity Deep Dive Part 1: Compensation Philosophy Review and Pay Analysis Group Formation and Testing

We’re seeing more organizations take action on pay equity. According to a 2022 WorldatWork survey, 70% of participating organizations reported taking action on pay equity. This represents a ten-percentage point increase from 2019. Moreover, of those taking action on pay equity, 80% have an ongoing process for conducting a pay equity analysis.  With this in…

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Class Action Pay Transparency Lawsuits On The Rise

As we predicted, pay transparency has become a priority for employers worldwide in 2023. Governments and organizations are taking major steps to address disparities in pay and ensure workplace fairness.  Failing to comply with legislation can lead to a rise in class action lawsuits, and subsequent financial penalties for employers.  In this article, we highlight…

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