FLSA Rule on Worker Classification to be Reversed

The Biden administration is making strides to reverse a Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) final rule on worker classification that was signed into law by the Trump administration during its last days in office. The final rule, Independent Contractor Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, was supposed to take effect on March 8, 2021,…

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Why D&I Matters in the Financial Services Sector

3 minute read Employers across the nation, and across the globe, are working to create diversity and inclusion (D&I) programs, not just due to increased regulation, but also to take advantage of greater opportunity. According to Deloitte, such D&I programs “can improve results, provide different perspectives, and [help companies] better connect with a more diverse…

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Biden’s Order Signals Shift Towards Fighting Discrimination

3 minute read A new Executive Order from President Biden portends a seismic shift in White House policy on preventing and combating discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sexual orientation. “It is the policy of my Administration to prevent and combat discrimination on the basis of gender identity or sexual orientation,” the President…

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Three Essential Pay Equity Practices, According to Iceland

3 minute read In the U.S., comprehensive pay equity legislation is long overdue. This congressional inaction  means that U.S.-based companies must look overseas to gauge how foreign markets and governments are responding to the growing international movement for gender equality in the workplace. According to a new article in the Harvard Business Review, Iceland has…

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Georgia Results May Have Impact on Federal Pay Equity Law

2 minute read Federal pay equity legislation took another step toward becoming reality after the victories of two Democrats in the January 5 Senate runoff election in Georgia. Democrats will soon hold a slim edge in the Senate, and according to Bloomberg, this will open a new path for workplace-related bills, including those related to…

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Looking Back at Senator Harris’s Equal Pay Plan

2 minute read Last week, Democrats secured two Senate seats in Georgia, giving them a narrow edge in the Senate and thrusting Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris even further into the national spotlight. With the critical ability to serve as tie-breaker in the evenly split chamber, Harris will immediately occupy a position of power to shape…

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Where Are All of the Black Directors on Company Boards?

The measures taken to promote diversity in the workplace have been commendable. Hiring practices have changed, and salary history bans have leveled the playing field for many, especially when attempting to close the race pay gap. In addition, the added efforts in making diversity and inclusion a priority have allowed companies to thrive, get more…

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Congress vs. Corporate America: Should the Same Rules Apply?

A massive moment happened in the middle of August when Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden selected California Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. Harris marks the first woman of color to ever appear on a presidential ballot by a major political party. It was yet another small step in American politics that will hopefully…

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The Difficulty in Identifying Comparators for Equal Pay Claims

Pay equity litigation is proceeding apace despite the COVID-19 pandemic, and claimants are raising critical issues pertaining to the Equal Pay Act of 1963 (“EPA”). The EPA requires that an employee claiming gender-based wage discrimination first demonstrate that employees of the opposite sex were paid different wages for substantially equal work. To show that the…

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