How Pay Equity Audits Can Help Companies Avoid Racial Discrimination

As the historian, Howard Zinn said, “you can’t be neutral on a moving train.” The waves of community outreach, protests, and activism following the killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Rayshard Brooks, and too many others present employers with an opportunity to implement or reinforce antiracist policies at work. One critical step in accomplishing this…

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Illinois SB 1480 Pay Data Reporting Law Gets Amended

The state government of Illinois recently enacted sweeping changes to its equal pay laws. Originally signed into law right before Equal Pay Day 2021, Illinois SB 1480 was amended by SB 1487 on June 25, 2021 to provide greater clarification on how Illinois employers must comply with the new equal pay obligations. There are three…

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What You Need to Know About the Oregon Equal Pay Act

Several states and cities are passing laws to further bolster the federal Equal Pay Act. In this post, we are looking at Oregon’s Equal Pay Act of 2017. First introduced in June 2017, the Oregon Equal Pay Act (OEPA) takes an aggressive stance on pay equity. The law expands the definition of “protected class” under…

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Connecticut HB 6380 Requires Salary Range Disclosure

Effective October 1, 2021, Connecticut employers will have new significant pay equity obligations. Signed into law on June 7, 2021, House Bill No. 6380 (An Act Concerning the Disclosure of Salary Range for a Vacant Position) applies to all organizations within the Constitution State that have at least one employee. Although HB 6380 amends Connecticut…

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DOE Says Title IX Protects Against LGBTQ+ Discrimination

A new document from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), Office for Civil Rights, brings big changes for educational organizations concerning sexual orientation, gender identity, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.  The Notice of Interpretation signaled a new DOE interpretation of Title IX’s declaration that no educational program (public or private) receiving…

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Pay Transparency Requirements Proposed in the EU

Like the United States and its Equal Pay Act of 1963, the European Union (EU) has had equal pay laws on the books for decades. As recently noted in a press release by the European Commission (one of the branches of the EU government): “The right to equal pay for the same work or work…

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Colorado POWR Act Proposes Broad Anti-Discrimination Changes

Colorado legislators have again signaled that 2021 is a banner year for policy approaches to issues such as diversity, pay equity, and inclusion (DEI). Employers within the state now face a deluge of new obligations which, if mishandled, could result in steep penalties. In an earlier post, Trusaic highlighted the Equal Pay for Equal Work…

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Pay Equity, DEI, and ESG Converge in New Gender Inequality Study

A new study of gender inequality demonstrates how 1) pay equity, 2) diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), and 3) economic, social, and governance (ESG) policies are interconnected. The study’s results highlight the need for organizations to consider all three policy dimensions when making strategic decisions about their workforces. On March 1, 2021, Fox & Partners,…

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New OFCCP Director’s Top Priority: Closing Gender/Race Pay Gaps

To accurately gauge where a federal agency is heading in the wake of a new presidential administration, a good place to start is with the resumes of newly appointed agency heads. In the case of the Office of Contract Compliance Programs’ (OFCCP) newest Director, Jenny R. Yang, a lot can be gleaned concerning the future…

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Ledbetter Act Applies to Equal Pay Act, Appeals Court Rules

By now, many are familiar with Lilly Ledbetter and her fight for equal pay. Nonetheless, her story continues to have renewed relevance by dent of its impact on the U.S. legal landscape. Recently, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, and its paycheck accrual rule, apply to the Equal…

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