Title VII Claims: How the Fifth Circuit Decision & EEOC AI Case Impact Employers

A Fifth Circuit decision in the Federal Court of Appeals has sent shockwaves through employers in Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi. The “historically conservative and employer-friendly” circuit ruled in favor of the plaintiff in a Title VII claims case, Hamilton v. Dallas County.  Three decades of legal precedent have been overturned, making it easier for employees…

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EEOC Title VII: What It Means for AI & Pay Equity Compliance

Employers that use AI and automated systems such as pay equity software to streamline workplace processes have received a stark reminder about potential employment discrimination violations.  On May 18th, the EEOC released a technical assistance document outlining the application of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to automated systems incorporating artificial intelligence…

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EEOC Allows For Late 2021 EEO-1 Reporting Submissions

Despite the EEO-1 filing deadline for the 2021 tax year being earlier this month, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is allowing for “late” submissions through June 21. Included in the EEO-1 frequently asked questions, the agency explains that if an organization does not meet the original deadline of May 17, 2022, it will enter…

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OFCCP Proposes Rule to Modify Enforcement Process for Employee Discrimination

The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) is taking steps to strengthen its pay equity enforcement strategy. On March 22, 2022, the OFCCP published a notice of proposed rulemaking aimed primarily at reversing regulations created under the Trump administration in 2020. The existing regulations require OFCCP to issue contractors a predetermination notice prior to…

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Illinois SB 1480 Equal Pay Law Takes Effect Next Month

First signed into law on March 23, 2021, Illinois SB 1480 and the amended SB 1487 create sweeping new pay equity requirements for employees of the prairie state.  SB 1480 amends several laws already in place, including the state’s Equal Pay Act, the Illinois Business Corporation Act, and the Illinois Human Rights Act. Importantly, Illinois…

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A Glimpse Inside Tesla’s $137 Million Discrimination Lawsuit

Earlier this month, Tesla lost a discrimination lawsuit filed by a former employee to the tune of $137 million. The case includes a hostile work environment and racial harassment lawsuit brought under the Civil Rights Act of 1866, according to an article in The Washington Post. “Tesla’s progressive image was a facade papering over its…

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DOE Says Title IX Protects Against LGBTQ+ Discrimination

A new document from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), Office for Civil Rights, brings big changes for educational organizations concerning sexual orientation, gender identity, and Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972.  The Notice of Interpretation signaled a new DOE interpretation of Title IX’s declaration that no educational program (public or private) receiving…

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