Addressing Pay Disparities on Latina Women’s Equal Pay Day

October 5 is Latina Women’s Equal Pay Day, the approximate date when Latina women’s earnings catch up to the earnings of white non-Hispanic men from the previous year. It’s a measure designed to bring attention to ongoing pay disparities between, in this case, Latina Women and their white male colleagues. It’s also a measure that…

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Birmingham City Council Faces Bankruptcy in Equal Pay Dispute

The UK’s Birmingham City Council issued two 114 notices in September, effectively declaring itself bankrupt. It now faces a staggering £760 million equal pay bill ($928 million).  Council correspondence suggests the final figure could amount to £1.15 billion ($1.4 billion). And the claim is growing by an estimated £5 million to £14 million ($6-17 million)…

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Opportunity Equity: Prepare for 2024’s Emerging HR Trend

While pay equity remains a key HR trend in 2023, another is emerging as we approach 2024; that of opportunity equity.  Opportunity equity is the practice of providing all workers with equal access to opportunities for employment, development, and career advancement. That’s irrespective of gender, race/ethnicity, age, and other personal attributes. It aims to dismantle…

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Pay Equity Reporting: Corporate Sustainability Directive vs IFRS

Sustainability reporting is expanding across all industry sectors. Foremost among these is the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which takes effect in 2024. At the same time, the IFRS is also expanding references to standards related to equal pay. What does it mean for global pay equity reporting?  Corporate Sustainability Directive Summary EU sustainability standards…

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ESG Developments: The Impact of CSRD on Pay Equity

On January 5, 2023, the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) came into force, replacing the EU’s 2014 Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD). In this article we explore the latest ESG developments and their impact on pay transparency. Closing the gender pay gap is a key component of the CSRD. Potential ESG impact on non-EU employers More than…

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Black Women’s Equal Pay Day Shifts to July 27 in 2023

According to Equal Pay Today, Black Women’s Equal Pay Day is observed today, on July 27. The date shifts every year as a reflection of how far into the year Black women need to work to “catch up” to white men. In other words, this year Black women must work an extra seven months to…

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Introducing The Salary Range Finder®

With the launch of our Salary Range Finder product, organizations can use the tool to prevent pay inequities from entering their workforce. The data-driven tool is simple in concept. Employers use the Salary Range Finder when extending a job offer to a prospect to ensure that the compensation package is fair and competitive. The Estimator…

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Why and How to Conduct an Effective Pay Equity Audit

Why should achieving pay equity be such a high priority for employers? It’s an important question that has a multitude of answers. As Josh Bersin says, “if you want to win the war for talent, fair pay may be one of your biggest techniques.” In addition to helping organizations compete for top talent, paying employees…

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McDonald’s Achieves Pay Equity for Women and Underrepresented Groups

McDonald’s has reached a significant milestone in its diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) journey. The fast-food giant announced last month that it effectively achieved pay equity for women and other historically underrepresented groups across its workforce of 180,000 U.S. employees. Employees belonging to underrepresented groups are now paid the same as their white counterparts for…

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