Code your ACA 1095-Cs
with an expert reference
Code your ACA 1095-Cs
with an expert reference
Since you were first required to file ACA information with the IRS in 2015, the requirements have grown. With new 1095-C codes, changing legislation around qualifying offers of coverage, and annually changing 1094-C and 1095-C forms, the stakes are high.
That’s why we created the 2021 Edition Employers’ Guide to Coding Form 1095-C.
Download the guide now and gain immediate access to:
- Actual coded 1095-Cs, with line-by-line analysis and penalty risk explanations
- Definitions of all of the different 1095-C codes
- Three vastly different employer types and overviews of their workforce and the types of coverage they offer
- Examples of potential ACA penalty risk
- Affordability chart for determining costs for employee health coverage contributions
Download the guide and master your 1094-C and 1095-C ACA reporting this year.