Optimize pay disparity remediation efforts with software


PayParity® with R.O.S.A. helps you optimize your pay equity remediation efforts.

In conducting pay equity analyses, compensation and total rewards practitioners have historically been confronted with an unsettling reality: not knowing whether the pay adjustments your pay equity statistical model has suggested will truly result in removing statistically significant pay differences.

The only way to find out if it has is to re-run the statistical model with the new pay adjustments included. This produces new results in which sometimes the pay disparity has improved, sometimes it’s stayed the same, and sometimes it’s gotten worse.

This is no better than rolling the dice — clearly an ineffective strategy.

This has resulted in one of two problems for practitioners:

The “Whack-a-mole” problem

Whack a mole

A compensation and rewards team implements the pay adjustments suggested by a statistical model without re-running the model to perform a scenario analysis that takes into account the new pay adjustments. This leads to a perpetual cycle of pay equity adjustments that conjure up the feeling of playing a game of “Whack-a-mole.”

The “Run It Again” problem

Run it again problem

A compensation and rewards team is a little bit more careful than in the previous example. Prior to implementing pay adjustments for individuals, they create a new model that accounts for the pay equity adjustments that are being considered. However, they come to find that the remediation hasn’t actually improved to the point of falling below the statistically-significant threshold (5%). So, they run it again with slightly different pay adjustments — dedicating valuable time and resources while still ineffectively optimizing their remediation spend.

Introducing Compensation and Total Rewards Practitioners’ New Best Friend: R.O.S.A.

ROSA best friend

Trusaic’s market leading data science team developed R.O.S.A. (Remediation Optimization Spend Analysis) to solve these two problems. 

R.O.S.A. helps you:  

  • Remediate pay disparities with enhanced precision; and 
  • Prioritize remediation efforts based on the ROI of each dollar spent. 

While other pay equity software solutions are limited and can only perform a single run of a statistical model to identify remediation opportunities, R.O.S.A. is able to perform dozens (or even hundreds) of remediation simulation runs iteratively to identify the pay adjustments that will most cost effectively address a pay disparity. 

R.O.S.A. repeatedly applies your selected remediation strategy, prioritizing the largest pay disparities at each step, until your objective has been achieved. R.O.S.A. also identifies when your chosen strategy will fail to achieve your selected objective. This allows you the confidence and flexibility to alter your approach to a more effective remediation strategy. 

R.O.S.A. provides you with analytical confidence as well as saving you time.

Working in concert with PayParity’s intersectional pay equity analysis, R.O.S.A. enables you to maximize the ROI of your compensation remediation efforts and ensures that your financial capital is allocated as efficiently as possible. 

R.O.S.A. provides you with clarity and confidence that your remediation budget is distributed to the groups and individuals where it will have the greatest impact toward achieving authentic pay equity. 

Learn more about how to effectively integrate R.O.S.A. into your pay equity analysis and experience the difference today.