Posts Tagged ‘DEI’
Black History Month and the March Toward Pay Equity
Carter G. Woodson is known as the “father of Black history”— and for good reason. A historian and president of the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASAHL), Woodson is credited with being the impetus behind Black History Month — initially celebrated as Negro History Week in 1926. He envisioned the…
Read MoreStarbucks Lawsuit Dismissal: A Triumph for Corporate Diversity Efforts
The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR), a conservative think tank, recently initiated a lawsuit against Starbucks. They lost. The legal action challenged Starbucks’ commitment to its diversity and inclusion initiatives, alleging that their efforts were not only discriminatory but that they also adversely affected the company’s financial performance. However, Starbucks has been a…
Read MoreOpportunity Equity: Prepare for 2024’s Emerging HR Trend
While pay equity remains a key HR trend in 2023, another is emerging as we approach 2024; that of opportunity equity. Opportunity equity is the practice of providing all workers with equal access to opportunities for employment, development, and career advancement. That’s irrespective of gender, race/ethnicity, age, and other personal attributes. It aims to dismantle…
Read MoreWhy Environmental, Social, and Governance is Here to Stay
Described by its critics as “woke capitalism,” Environmental, Social, and Governance, (ESG) is facing something of a backlash. But that overlooks the far-reaching benefits to employers and investors. A survey by The Conference Board (TCB) found that almost half of all businesses have faced ESG backlash. 61% believe that backlash will remain the same or…
Read MoreBreaking Gender Barriers in Mining: South Flank Case Study
A remote Australian mine is seemingly achieving the impossible in breaking gender barriers in the workplace. South Flank, a BHP iron ore mine in Western Australia, has achieved an impressive gender balance. 40% of its frontline employees and four out of its six senior managers are women. The ILO (International Labor Organization) defines gender balance,…
Read MoreWhat Employers Need to Know About Supreme Court Ruling on College Admissions
On June 29, 2023, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a 6-3 landmark decision in the cases filed against Harvard College and the University of North Carolina. In the ruling, Justices indicated that both of these universities’ Affirmative Action programs related to college admissions violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. While focused on…
Read MoreSCOTUS Decision: Affirmative Action and Businesses
On June 29, 2023, the Supreme Court ruled that admissions programs at Harvard and the University of North Carolina (UNC), based on race, violated the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. It was a significant affirmative action decision that, not unexpectedly, sent shock waves across the nation—not only among institutions of higher education, but across all…
Read MoreIndependence Day 2023: Fulfilling the Promise of Liberty and Equality For All
July 4th, or Independence Day, marks the historic date in 1776 when the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, and the colonies became independent from Great Britain. The nation’s founding principles included the idea that all people are created equal and have fundamental rights, promising liberty and equality for all. Is 2023 a…
Read MoreESG Reporting and SEC Enforcement
In recent years, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been increasingly focusing on corporate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies and statements. Fraudulent practices related to ESG efforts and outcomes have come under scrutiny, as investors are now considering ESG factors when making investment decisions. The SEC has initiated enforcement actions against companies for…
Read MoreGoldman Sachs, the NFL and the Gender Pay Gap
Two major organizations, the NFL and investment bank Goldman Sachs, are facing fallout amid accusations of workplace discrimination and the gender pay gap. Goldman Sachs settlement Following a gender discrimination class action lawsuit which began in 2010, investment bank Goldman Sachs agreed to pay $215 million in settlement. The case, involving 2,800 female associates and…
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