Make unbiased pay decisions and prevent pay inequity

Every pay decision is an opportunity to help prevent, or potentially worsen, a pay inequity. Proceed with confidence. Proceed with Trusaic.

Advances in technology have made the process of making unbiased pay decisions easier. Trusaic's Salary Range Finder® is designed to help managers, recruiters, and HR practitioners make unbiased pay decisions aligned with internal equity. Salary Range Finder helps prevent pay inequities from ever occurring in the workplace, period.

Collect the necessary data for analysis and submission with a simple click of a button; powered by certified data integrations with the world's largest HCM, HR and Payroll platforms, including Workday, SAP, UKG, and ADP.

Complementing your pay equity analysis with Salary Range Finder will provide you with a more comprehensive approach that will ensure your pay equity efforts stay on track with evolving organization and workforce dynamics.

Salary Range Finder Hero

Are you looking for a more proactive approach to pay equity?

Request a demo of Salary Range Finder today to see how it can benefit your organization