Furnish 1095-C forms with confidence

Furnish 1095-C forms electronically, by mail, or both to meet ACA deadlines and avoid penalties


Advanced compliance assurance with penalty risk assessment

Beyond standard print and mail services, Trusaic offers an advanced penalty risk assessment to identify and rectify issues in your data files before distribution, mitigating the risk of IRS penalties.

  • Data validation: Thorough review of XML or CSV files to detect inaccuracies
  • Risk mitigation: Proactive correction of identified issues
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Key features

Timely distribution

 Ensure 1095-C forms are distributed to employees on time to meet deadlines and avoid costly penalties.

Data quality assurance

Robust validation processes deliver error-free forms, ensuring precise ACA compliance and reporting.

Penalty risk assessment

Identify and correct compliance issues proactively to minimize risks and potential IRS penalties.


Penalty risk assessment

Analyze HRIS data to identify ACA coverage gaps and liabilities, enabling timely corrections.

ACA data quality assurance

Ensure accurate and timely Form 1095-C and Form 1094-C reporting through error-free data processing.

Data security

SOC 2 certified technology with role-based access, and annual penetration testing to ensure data security.

Frequently asked questions


ACA 101 Toolkit

Learn More


Employer's Guide to Coding
ACA Form 1095-C

Learn More


Learn About the New
1095-C Furnishing Rules

Learn More

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