Pay Data Reporting Key To Ending Pay Discrimination

For the 2017 and 2018 reporting years, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) expanded EEO-1 reporting for employers by introducing the collection of employee pay data. Known as EEO-1 Component 2, the EEOC’s short-lived pay data reporting requirements demonstrated significant value in identifying and resolving pay discrimination in the workplace. This was recently confirmed in…

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2021 California SB 973 Deadline is This Week

This Friday, April 1, is the deadline to submit California SB 973 pay data reporting snapshots for the 2021 tax year. Will you make the deadline? Friday is the hard deadline too, as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) recently made it clear that it would not be issuing any reporting extensions. …

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Illinois SB 1480 Equal Pay Law Takes Effect Next Month

First signed into law on March 23, 2021, Illinois SB 1480 and the amended SB 1487 create sweeping new pay equity requirements for employees of the prairie state.  SB 1480 amends several laws already in place, including the state’s Equal Pay Act, the Illinois Business Corporation Act, and the Illinois Human Rights Act. Importantly, Illinois…

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California DFEH Issues SB 973 Non-Compliance Notice

The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is now issuing non-compliance notices to employers it believes failed to comply with the State’s pay data reporting law for the 2020 tax year. DFEH agents say some 35,000 notices will go out to employers over the next several weeks. California’s pay data reporting law, known…

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DFEH No Longer Accepting Pay Data Reporting Extensions

California SB 973 requires employers to submit pay data information on their workforce by March 31, annually. Did your business meet the deadline? Employers that did not meet the deadline for submitting annual pay data reporting for the 2020 tax year to the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) may be able to submit…

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No Pay Data, No Pay Gap Benchmarks. Conduct a Pay Equity Audit Now

Under the stewardship of Trump-appointee Janet Dhillon, the EEOC is rolling back federal pay reporting requirements. This returns the United States to the back of class of developed countries in terms of pay reporting. This rollback also contradicts the Commissions earlier finding that these data are “necessary” to the Commission’s ability to efficiently address pay…

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Component 2 Pay Data Reporting On Hold, For Now

Leading up to the EEO-1 filing deadline of March 31, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) said that it will not continue to require employers to submit pay data known as Component 2 when submitting the annual EEO-1 report, for now. The EEOC said in an official notice, “Based on the Commission’s evaluation of the…

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