British Columbia Poised for Pay Transparency Legislation

British Columbia Poised for Pay Transparency Legislation On March 7, 2023, British Columbia (B.C.) introduced new pay transparency legislation designed to help close the gender pay gap in the Canadian province. When passed, the new legislation, Bill 13, The Pay Transparency Act, supplements the current complaints-based system with proactive reporting and pay transparency requirements. But…

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The Latest in Pay Transparency and Equal Pay Regulations

The Latest Developments in Pay Equity and Pay Transparency The history of regulations related to pay equity is nothing new. Equal pay regulations can be traced back to 1938, when the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) was enacted. In 1945 Congress introduced the Women’s Equal Pay Act and, in 1963, the Equal Pay Act. There…

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Massachusetts Pay Transparency Law in the Works

Equal Pay Day falls on March 14th, symbolizing the additional number of days a woman must work into the new year to earn the same amount as a man did in the previous year. This date holds significance because on average, women are paid only 82% of what men earn. It’s a stark reminder that…

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Applying for the Illinois Equal Pay Registration Certificate

In March 2021, the state of Illinois amended its SB 1480 Equal Pay Law to clarify new equal pay requirements for Illinois employers. The amendments apply to several existing laws, including the Illinois Equal Pay Act, the Illinois Business Corporation Act, and the Illinois Human Rights Act. A defining feature of Illinois SB 1480 is…

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You Can Still Leverage the Employee Retention Credit

Even though it’s 2023, there’s still time to take advantage of the limited-time opportunity, Employee Retention Credit.  The Employee Retention Credit is simple in concept. The refundable tax credit provides organizations impacted by COVID-19 with financial relief. For all of 2020, and three quarters of 2021, employers can earn up to $26,000 in tax credits,…

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Washington State Updates Pay Transparency Guidance

Get ready, employers. Washington State’s pay transparency law goes into effect beginning January  1, 2023, and requires employers to disclose salary and benefit information in job listings. To help employers comply, The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) has issued several iterations of a draft administrative policy detailing the requirements. Below we cover…

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