Posts Tagged ‘United Kingdom’
U.K. Race and Ethnicity Pay Gap Reporting Obligation to Be Debated By Parliament
Effective 2017, the United Kingdom requires employers with over 250 employees to report on their gender pay gaps. While that obligation is currently suspended based on COVID-19, it is expected to return. Now, recent events have led to a platform for expanding that obligation to include race and ethnicity-based pay gaps. According to a post…
Read MorePay Equity Laws Abroad are Rapidly Evolving. U.S. Employers Should Take Note
Pay Equity is increasingly becoming a major operational imperative for businesses at home and abroad. Achieving Pay Equity means eliminating unlawful discrimination from the wage-setting process. The rising importance of Pay Equity for employers globally can be attributed to rapidly evolving laws regulating the payment of wages. In this article, Trusaic takes you on a…
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