Looking Back at Senator Harris’s Equal Pay Plan

2 minute read Last week, Democrats secured two Senate seats in Georgia, giving them a narrow edge in the Senate and thrusting Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris even further into the national spotlight. With the critical ability to serve as tie-breaker in the evenly split chamber, Harris will immediately occupy a position of power to shape…

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Is Silicon Valley Evolving on Issues of Pay Equity?

2 minute read  Is Silicon Valley evolving on issues of pay equity? The latest data point in this debate is provided by Pinterest, the innovative social media platform that allows users to “pin” images from around the web to customizable boards.   Pinterest recently settled a gender discrimination lawsuit with its former chief operating officer for…

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Pay Equity Suit Against Rutgers: Employers Take Note

2 minute read  Earlier this summer, Trusaic discussed an equal pay case brought by a psychology professor against the University of Oregon. In Freyd v. University of Oregon, Professor Jennifer Freyd, a well-respected scholar with over thirty years’ experience, sued on the basis that at least four other male professors in her same department received…

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