Pay Equity is the Key to Achieving the “S” in ESG

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting have become vital considerations for employers. But rather than seeing the requirements as an additional reporting burden or a distraction, a focus on the “S” in ESG can have a positive impact on financial performance and brand reputation.  S in ESG relates to the…

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New Nevada Pay Equity Law Takes Effect

Nevada has joined a host of other states in promoting equal pay with the passage of Senate Bill 293. Effective October 1, the law primarily aims to minimize gender and race/ethnicity pay gaps with a salary history ban. Inquiring into a prospective employee’s wage history information can perpetuate inequities for some job applicants, such as women…

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ESG Stocks Perform Better, But Rankings Can Vary Widely

It’s no secret that public companies that are ranked highly for their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) efforts are performing well with investors – better, in fact, than those who aren’t. What’s not so well known is that the rankings can be dramatically different depending on who’s providing them. The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) recently…

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