San Francisco’s Equal Pay Ordinance

Requires submission of an equal pay report

San Francisco’s Equal Pay Ordinance

Requires submission of an equal pay report

Download the San Francisco Equal Pay Ordinance white paper to understand what may be required of your business.

While still in the implementation phase, once in effect, failing to comply with the Ordinance could result in loss of city contract and penalty assessments. The requirements of San Francisco’s Equal Pay Ordinance are in addition to those of California’s SB 973. 

Download the white paper by filling out the form to the right and learn about:

  • San Francisco Human Rights Commission’s enforcement efforts for non-compliance
  • Which employers specifically must comply with the Ordinance
  • The information that must be provided in the annual Equal Pay Report
  • The Ordinance’s requirement to prohibit employment discrimination
  • How Trusaic can help with an Equal Pay Risk Assessment


Receive the white paper by completing the form to the right and get started with understanding your requirements.

Download the white paper to learn more